Karen Huger: I’m Not Interested in Robyn’s Fakery
BravoTV.com: Tell us about this moment at dinner talking about your mother at this difficult time and your charity being such a positive contribution to this cause.
Karen Huger: I have such a wonderful, supportive husband. Ray taking the time out of his busy schedule for this this dinner date was very thoughtful. It was exactly what I needed at this very difficult time in my life. I know he’d been concerned about me over extending myself working tirelessly planning the O Charity Dinner, creating my fragrance and all the while coming to terms with my Mother’s declining health. A wave of emotions just flooded over me at dinner. Just a few days before, my Mother took the time with each of her children individually, to let us know that she would not be with us much longer. Those were words I never wanted to hear. I told my mom I’m wasn’t ready to lose her and that I wasn’t done with my work. Mom’s response was “I see you and I’m proud of you.” Mom knew I wanted her by my side at the O Charity dinner to witness that myself, the Alzheimer’s Association and countless others were doing everything in our power to help find a cure. The O Charity dinner represents my unwavering commitment to aid in finding a cure for this disease so that no parent has to say goodbye to their children far too soon.
BravoTV.com: Seeing how upset Robyn is now, do you regret attending Monique’s event? Do you understand why she is upset?
KH: Robyn Dixon knows that my doubling booking both she and Monique Sherman’s event was just that, a simple double booking due to lack of communication among we ladies. I offered both ladies to attend both events. Monique was receptive to this but not Robyn. Robyn insisted I choose to attend her event and cancel on Monique, that was not going to happen. However, let’s not forget the Gizelle’s role in gassing up her supposed bestie by lying to her stating that I said, “I didn’t want to attend Robyn’s event… and that I would rather attend Monique’s event.” For the record, I never said any such thing, I simply said “I’ll be there” when speaking to Monique at Gizelle’s B-Day party. Roll back the tape and watch Gizelle in action. I want to believe that Robyn would verify her sources before going into full on attack mode. Furthermore, how could Robyn be upset with me? Robyn uninvited me at our coffee shop during our get together with Candiace Dillard. Robyn said, and I quote “Karen is not coming.” For Robyn to play the victim now is very revealing of her character a desperate cry for my attention. I’m not interested in Robyn’s fakery.
BravoTV.com: Tell us about watching this scene of Robyn and Gizelle Bryant talking about you at dinner and planning on giving you a talking to at your event. What do you think about their opinions?
KH: I’ve always known Gizelle to be very messy and I’ve always known Robyn to be Gizelle’s follower. Watching the two of them maliciously and meticulously plotting to ambush my O Charity Dinner benefitting the Alzheimer’s Organization was an all time low even for them. These two know that this is not the time nor the place for a confrontation. Gizelle and Robyn’s planned ambush at my event is for shock value, plain and simple. They both should be ashamed of themselves.
BravoTV.com: Why did you decide to invite Kyndall to your event?
KH: The O Charity Dinner is an Alzheimer’s fundraising event. The more people I invite, the closer we are to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s. Kyndall is a friend of mine. Why would I not invite her? Friend to friend, I informed both ladies that I had invited each of them. There is no mess here.
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